

Kitchen Stove Manufacturer Product Catalog

The brand of the manufacturer of gas and electric kitchen stoves OJSC Greta has been known in Ukraine for over fifty years. GRETA keeps the blue light of the gas stove in the heart of many homes. The excellent product quality for which the company is renowned is difficult to achieve with outdated equipment.

GRETA became our client just in the period of their facilities upgrade. The model range was updated, the design of the product changed, and this was the reason for the upgrade of the design of their advertising products. The new catalogs were supposed to make it easier to navigate in their product range. Also, the new content had to be adapted for the client's site.

We created two structured catalogs: the first version with a full range of products, and the second - a more laconic express version for points of sale, which would be more affordable in production. Throughout this project, we went to the factory, filmed and processed the content, so that later to structure it carefully, played with infographics to showcase the benefits of  the models in icons. We built the stoves into the finished interiors so that to better visualize the products.

#Printed #Manufacturing & Industrials