
Agroport Ukraine

Presentation of the Chain of Innovative Agricultural Parks

The Agroport Chain of Innovation Parks is a logical result of 7 years of development of the project in different regions of Ukraine, as well as a new strategy for the development of the agricultural ecosystem in Ukraine as a whole, which since 2014 has been formed due to the development of the agricultural sector in different parts of Ukraine.

Constant scaling geographic growth allowed Agroport to focus even better on the specifics of farming and the interests of the majority of farmers in each region. Different products require different production conditions depending on the climate and geography of the region. Agricultural production is a long cycle involving the use of different technologies that cannot be effectively demonstrated in the framework of short annual events.

Later, Covid-19 confirmed the ineffectiveness of traditional exhibitions and the need for permanent infrastructure.

Our task in the project this time was to prepare a presentation of a new strategy and concept of the project for investors, future residents of parks, government officials, and agricultural producers.

It was important to structurally and succinctly emphasize the entire background of Agroport, starting with the expertise and competencies of the team and ending with the experience in launching and scaling similar projects on the territory of Ukraine.

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